Hair Thinning
Mesotherapy creates microscopic channels by a Dermapen rolling over your scalp. There is no pain. It stimulates your dermis. After derma-pen rolling we apply special Anti-hair Loss solutions which are watery in consistency.
PRP Treatment (Platelet Rich Plasma)
Platelet Rich Plasma, popularly known as PRP is prepared from the blood of the patient with a predominantly high concentration of platelets in a limited volume of plasma.
Medical Treatment
Dr. Vikas Gawri will prescribe certain hair solutions and tablets to be taken at home depending upon case to case. These solutions need to be applied once daily at night. The tablet needs to be taken once daily, in morning.
Laser Treatment
Laser Treatment is Low Energy Diode Laser from HLCC for Hair Growth Stimulation. The laser is in the form of a helmet to be worn for 15-30 mins twice a week for good results.
Scalp Micro Pigmentation
Scalp Micro Pigmentation